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January 2025
Hello volunteers
Hope everyone has been staying warm! We did have a few brave souls (or crazy ) come to sew date Monday.
We received an email from Colleen Farley, publisher of two community magazines. Spencerport Neighbors and Brighton Connections.
Her cousin recently received a lap robe from us while he was in the hospital. He was a Vietnam Veteran and recently passed away. She states it was beautiful and will be a family keepsake for years to come!
She would like to publish our information! Plans are to publish the mission and vision of lap robes in the February issues!
AND she is also involved with the Spencerport Rotary! And invited Sue and I to a luncheon in March to speak about Lap Robes!
Sue and I have also been Invited to the VVA Chapter 20 (Vietnam veterans association.) meeting February 13. They will be presenting a check to us!
We were invited to the Livingston County Rehab and Nursing Center to present lap robes to their employees and residents there. A total of 47! Special thanks to my friend Marion, whose husband had been a resident there, for connecting me to this facility. My brother Alan and his wife, Fortia, assisted and so did Marion. We were very busy for about an hour or so! Pictures under Veteran Recipients
Webster comfort care recently displayed a Navy lap robe at the bottom of Veteran's bed on their Facebook page.
Kittlebergers Florist is having a fundraiser project for non profit groups. I did check into it. I just purchased a card from the Webster Comfort Care for $40 for the flowers. You then receive a free bouquet of flowers every month! Just take your card to Kittlebergers. We could sell these cards (which the cost is now $50) and receive a % from each card. I believe June is now the first available date they have if we were interested in doing this. However, I am looking for a volunteer to handle all this!
If 25 cards were sold, our profit would be $250!
If 50 cards, $500!
My biggest concern is by June, folks in the Webster area will have already purchased their cards. Plus, with nicer weather, flowers blooming, etc. may not be the best time to do this.
I wanted to at least run this by all of you and see what you thought!
A few volunteers are also involved with the American Legion auxiliary! The auxiliary magazine was also interested in other activities their members might be involved with. So…Louann, Anne, Joan, Kym, and myself submitted an article about Lap Robes for Veterans! They loved the pictures and information we sent and will now publish it on the National American Legion “blog”. I asked if it would be in magazine, and person said no. It would take up too much space in magazine, so the blog would be better. Here is the link. (Hope it works). I will also bring in some hard copies for you to see.
As a result of the auxiliary article, it was brought to my attention that we need to recognize the Space Force branch.
I sent Brad, our printer who does our brochures, an email and we will be changing brochure, Facebook, web page, etc.
Sue is also looking for some Space Force fleece. We can always use Air Force or our patriotic fleece. We will need to have display at Honor Flights, etc.
Thinking of Mary Anne, Cheryl, Bertie ! We miss you!
for speedy recoveries!

Hope to see folks soon!